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Now your mat attitude sucks, you're mentally defeated and just want to get the beating over
with so that you can go home and try to forget another OG butt-kicking at
the hands of your favorite YPB!I'm sure a lot of us don't have to imagine
too hard or long about this scenario because most of us have lived it.
You've been looking forward to training all day and can hardly contain yourself. I would've
seen this as an opportunity to become mentally tougher than most of the people that
I trained with because I would've learned that I could take an butt-kicking earlier in
my grappling career, putting me in a position to be able to give one a
lot sooner!That's what I would've done...and eventually did. It was just the act of a
weak, timid, and very insecure grappler running from a situation that was an excellent
opportunity to deal with a problem head-on and learn from it. During my early years
(1996-2003), I had several encounters with young punk mat bullies where I was getting "punked"
on the mat and I couldn't stop it because I didn't know what to do.
I know Tn Requin that I have lived it personally and I remember the feelings that
came with the experience. Imagine you're having a great day and on your way to
class to train. The one person that your instructor always put you with to
train; the person if he only had time to give one butt whipping, it's got
your name on it! The one person that no matter how hard you try
(or think you try) to change the match outcome, it's always the same. I didn't
know how to tell my instructor and teammates that I didn't like getting my butt
kicked and was "mentally soft" on the mat.So, what did I do? I did
what all mat wimps do, I ran from the problem. If I knew back then
what I know now (I think that's a lyric from a song), I wouldn't have
taken myself so seriously in the ego department. Greenhill, "The Wise Grappler", is the creator
of The Wise Grappler System and author of The Wise Grappler Ezine, a weekly ezine
that provides martial arts training and personal development tips for the older (over 35) and
non-traditional martial artists. But I went chaussures puma through years of self-imposed mental torture before I finally
stopped running from myself and my YPBs. As you're warming up on the mat,
you think of all the things you need to work on during and after class
and your head is focused on having a good training session when suddenly...BAM!...he walks onto
the mat and starts to warm up.There he is...your very own mat bully! The
young punk bully (YPB) that makes your life on the mat a living hell!
The one person that takes all the fun out of grappling because of the way
he beats you across the ring every sparring session. I even went as far
as to talk with my YPB to find out what training days he trained so
that I could coordinate my schedule around his to make sure we weren't in the
gym on the same days!At the time, it sounded clever on my part, but it
wasn't clever at all. I wouldn't have wanted to see myself as this grappler that
was happy with being "the hammer", but a real punk when it came to being
"the nail!" I would've used that time as an opportunity to expose my mat mental
weaknesses, brought them to the surface, gotten rid of them, and not try to rationalize
their existence. If my YPB showed up for class, I would suddenly have
to leave class early or tell the instructor that I had an "injury" and needed
to sit out from sparring or go with some less aggressive teammates. And when
I stopped running andrealized that they weren't as tough as I thought, that's when I
stopped getting "punked" and started kicking my mat bully's butt and made them avoid me!What
are you going to do about your mat bully? Make them avoid you for
a change or keep getting "punked?"Paul M. To learn more about "The Wise Grappler" and
to sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit his site at http://www.ihateyoungpunks.com or
contact him at paul@thewisegrappler.com(c) 2007 Paul M. You get the crap beaten out of you!So
as you start to get that nervous feeling in your stomach and find it hard
to swallow, you start thinking about how this training session is going to be just
like the others and your good feeling about training goes away. Greenhill.
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